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Design data generation in a sustainable and lawful way

Collect high-quality e-mail addresses and data points.

The problem is as old as mankind: You can have the best of all products, but you will never be able to sell it if your potential customers do not learn about it. So, you spread the world. Write e-mails. Present your offer on your website. But somehow it does not seem to work properly. You just do not have the right addresses and channels to reach customers who are perfect for your offer. What now?

Data Generation and GDPR

In times of the GDPR, collecting e-mail addresses and personal data poses a major challenge and has turned into an almost insoluble task that is accompanied by high costs in any case for many businesses. The clean and GDPR compliant setup of high-quality and neat e-mail addresses seems pretty impossible. The purchase of e-mail addresses does not achieve the goal either because the transmitted data cannot be checked for quality. Quantity over quality leads inevitably to a vast scatter loss and thereby to an unpredictable decrease in return on investment. This is why businesses are desperately looking for a new innovative approach to generate valuable data in a transparent and GDPR conform way.

Legally Secure Collection of Data with ONE TO ONE

ONE TO ONE finally offers the possibility to collect not only high-quality e-mail addresses but also further interesting data points of potential customers and guests. In order to ensure total safety, ONE TO ONE’s data protection expert examines technical procedures and formalities for legal compliance. After ensuring the two prerequisites – legal certainty and a sophisticated technique – the next step will be the alignment with the company’s intentions. Thereby, the business can start towards data generation. One thing cannot be stressed enough: In operative marketing, secure and verified data are as valuable as gold.

A Lot More than Creating E-Mail Addresses

Let’s just say: An e-mail address is sort of a person’s name on its business card. At this point, I do not know anything about the motives, desires or the background of the person who passed on the card. Therefore, ONE TO ONE goes far beyond the generation of e-mail addresses when collecting personal data. By gathering the date of birth, personal preferences, holiday motives, purchasing behavior and more ONE TO ONE discovers interesting facts on the person behind the e-mail address.

Data related to a person kind of create a 3D image:

  • PSID – a person’s individual Facebook ID
  • Instagram username
  • First and last name
  • Origin and country
  • Language
  • Sex
  • E-mail address
  • Date of birth
  • Holiday motives and travel habits
  • Preferences and purchasing motives
  • Individual personal data

Based on these personal data, target groups for operational marketing can be formed in an automated and ongoing manner by ONE TO ONE. In doing so, ONE TO ONE perceives data generation not as a one-time project but as continuous process. The focus on relevant touchpoints within the Customer Journey turns website visitors with anonymous data points into personally responsive guests and customers who enter into a relationship with the businesses via 1:1 dialog.

Generated Data Come into Operation

The targeted build of valuable data renders (potential) guests and clients in the many facets of their lifestyle visible. This enables the accurate establishment of marketing actions, for example in the fields

  • Facebook Ads (Custom Audience)
  • Google Ads
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • E-Mail Automation
  • Exit-Intent Popup

Create KPIs and Reference Values with ONE TO ONE

Trust, but verify. Thanks to the key figures created by ONE TO ONE, all measures’ success can be directly tracked. The KPIs are well-defined, the reporting is carried out regularly and the numbers are absolutely transparent. ONE TO ONE has indeed revolutionized data generation. Now, it is about knowledge instead of guesses, the poking in the fog of data-driven marketing has come to an end.

For one of the most popular destinations in Austria already 13,320 valuable e-mail addresses have been created and more than 2,000 holiday motives were raised. The costs per e-mail address are considerably below 50 cent.

We just acted on orders from one of the leading producers for premium tequila: Within no time more than 30 automated e-mails are sent day-to-day that are based on generated data points.

Already a few months after the collaboration’s start ONE TO ONE could establish 8,000 e-mail addresses for an exclusive Spa Hotel in Salzburg, Austria. In addition, more than 3,000 holiday motives and 2,500 birthday data were collected.

Your business also faces the challenge of generating intrinsically relevant data? ONE TO ONE has the solution for you. Get in touch with us and learn how to upgrade your operative marketing to a new level. Simply contact us without any obligation!

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